Thursday 17 December 2015

First review of "Qwerty: The History" - an adrenaline shot

I have received the first opinion from a person who downloaded my book, "Qwerty: The History", on Kindle. This is what they wrote: "Great gripping read drew me into the world of Qwerty. I think you ARE A WRITER of yet more unexplored talent, best wishes for your success". This is the nicest thing anyone could say to me right now. 

Characters from the book, "Qwerty: The History" Picture by GINO

Last week I was feeling down. I was tired, all my efforts, both professionally and in terms of my writing were going nowhere, people did not respond to me and it was grey and raining outside. Overall, I was beginning to seriously consider ditching everything and running away... I bet you know that feeling, right? When you're overwhelmed and whatever you do it seems to go wrong...

And then, suddenly, on Sunday, I get the above message. It magically poured new energy into my veins, like someone gave me an adrenaline shot. One person did appreciate my story. It was gripping. They actually felt compelled to find my website and write to me, to say it. How fantastic is that?!

Because that is what I want. I want you to lose yourself in the Qwerty's tale that has been absorbing me for a very long time now. The only thing I strive for is for it to BE OUT THERE, because it's a good story.

And I know now that one person liked it. It's 100% success!

So if you like something, tell it to whoever created it. It may be a very good timing, you never know. And, more importantly, maybe somebody will say it back to you (it's called karma...). :)

More about Qwerty Seymore and his adventures can be found HERE.

"Qwerty: The History" is now available here: 

Kindle (free for Kindle Unlimited)

Qwerty Seymore Picture by GINO

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