Tuesday 15 December 2015

"Qwerty: The History" - a lucky escape?

Busy, busy, busy. Deadlines to meet and so on. However, I shall attempt to keep you entertained and for that reason, I am posting another short fragment of "Qwerty: The History". Enjoy (I hope you will): 

          Qwerty felt tears in his eyes and realised then he had seconds to work with; he was suffocating. The pressure released in the last moment and he barely caught his breath, panting heavily.

              ‘I’m waiting,’ the man said, like he was in a queue at a supermarket.

            Qwerty looked around quickly, but the figures surrounded him in a tight circle. They were now standing firmly on the ground.

            ‘No,’ he managed.

            ‘Pardon?’ the voice was now angry.

            ‘I… will not… apologise…’

            Same as with Mrs Knowleden – the thought crossed his mind and the scene in the classroom replayed speedily in his brain.

            ‘You will pay for it,’ responded Asqualor and Qwerty saw the enormous talons gliding towards his neck. They formed a ghastly hand, a ghost’s hand, perhaps, moulded out of mist.

            But this time he was ready; somehow he knew what to do. He remembered that time when Sebastian held him, back on the stairs, and imagined how he stopped his opponent. He moved to the side and the hand paused, bending backwards. He concentrated once more, with difficulty, and penetrated into it, same as he did with things he wished to teleport. It seemed to be made of mist, but he pushed and it vanished, dispersing in the air.

            There was a gentle sigh coming from underneath the man’s hood, but Qwerty gave him no time for any other reaction – he pulled himself back on his feet, wanting to run. He swayed, but kept his balance. Not knowing quite what he was doing, letting his instinct take over, he pushed away the figures, using more his mind than the actual physical strength. Then, as panic kicked in, he ran with all his might towards the gate, like his life depended on it…

            On his way he sensed something strong, grabbing him in a steel grip. He screamed desperately and dodged whatever force was coming his way, almost burying his nose in the ground once more.

            The gate was just too far. There was no way he could reach it… 

Will he escape? Find out - "Qwerty: The History" is now available here: 

Kindle (free for Kindle Unlimited)

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